Home Travel The Ultimate Checklist for Evaluating a Camping Site on the Gold Coast

The Ultimate Checklist for Evaluating a Camping Site on the Gold Coast

by Clare Louise

When it comes to the great outdoors, nothing quite beats the thrill of setting up camp in the wild. But not all spots are created equal! To ensure your outdoor adventure is as enjoyable as possible, it’s crucial to evaluate your potential camping site on the Gold Coast carefully. Here’s your ultimate checklist for assessing an ideal haven for your next camping adventure.


First on the list is accessibility. How easy is it to reach the site? Can you drive right up to it, or will you have to hike a few miles with your gear? Remember, a remote site might offer more privacy and a chance to connect with nature, but it can also mean extra work carrying supplies. If you’re planning a family trip or have less experienced campers in your group, an easily accessible site might be preferable.


Next, consider the lay of the land. Is the ground flat enough for your tent and sleeping bags? A good night’s sleep is essential to enjoy your camping trip, and a lumpy or sloping floor can make this difficult. Are there any dangerous slopes or unstable ground that could pose a risk? Also, consider the soil type. Sandy or rocky ground may not be the best for pitching a tent, as stakes might not hold well.


The natural shelter can be a real boon when you’re out in the wild. Look for sites with natural windbreaks like hills, trees, or large rocks. These can provide much-needed protection against harsh winds. However, be careful of camping under trees with dead branches that could fall in high winds.

Water Source

Having a water source nearby is essential, but it’s a delicate balance. You want to be close enough to fetch water easily, but not so close that you risk flooding if it rains heavily. Always treat water from natural sources to prevent illness. Remember to pack plenty of water purification tablets or consider investing in a portable water filter.

Fire Safety and Regulation

Before setting up your campfire, check the area for fire safety. Is there a safe and clear area to build a fire, away from flammable materials? This includes overhanging branches, dried grass, and your own camping gear. Additionally, always check local regulations – some areas prohibit open fires due to the risk of wildfires.


While spotting wildlife can be a highlight of camping, some animals pose risks. Look for signs of larger animals like bears or cougars, and secure your food to avoid attracting them. Consider bear-resistant containers or hanging food high in a tree, out of their reach. And remember, never feed wild animals!

Sun Exposure

Consider the sun’s path throughout the day. Will there be shade during the hottest part of the day? A site with some shade can provide respite from the heat, making your camping experience more enjoyable. Conversely, will there be enough sunlight to warm up the chilly mornings? A balance between shade and sun is ideal.


If you’re at a public campground, consider how close neighbouring sites are. If possible, choose a site that offers a good balance between accessibility and privacy. Having some space to yourself can make your camping experience much more enjoyable.

Leave No Trace

Finally, remember the goal is to leave the site as you found it. Look for existing fire rings or use a camping stove instead of creating a new fire spot. Keep your site clean, pack out all trash, and respect the wildlife and plants in the area. Following the Leave No Trace principles ensures that the great outdoors can be enjoyed by future generations.

In conclusion, selecting an ideal camping site on the Gold Coast needs careful evaluation. This checklist should guide you in making the right choice for a memorable outdoor adventure. Remember to always respect the environment and follow any local rules and regulations. Happy camping!