Home Travel Scientifically Reasonable Theories About Stonehenge Mystery and Myths

Scientifically Reasonable Theories About Stonehenge Mystery and Myths

by Simon watson

An ancient civilization constructed a huge circle of rough rectangular stones in a field thousands of years ago. The ancient construction is popular as Stonehenge and is situated in Wiltshire County [England]. Stonehenge has an array of myths and conspiracies because the ancient engineers did not leave any written records. There are no clues as, to why they took the trouble to transport and erect the stones at this spot. 

There are plenty of pre-historic stones around Europe, but Stonehenge is the most popular as it is extremely impressive. There are lots of historical mysteries associated with its purpose and who built it. Before you book a ticket to visit this World Heritage Site from StonehengeVisit.co.uk get to know about the strange yet scientifically reasonable theories.

Burial ground

A century ago, bone fragments were exhumed from the site, which implies that originally Stonehenge was a graveyard for the elite. At that time, the archeologists did not feel the importance of those bone fragments, so they reburied them. 

British researchers have re-exhumed the 50,000+ cremated bone fragments. It represents 64 different people from Stonehenge. According to their analysis displayed on BBC 4 documentary reports that the people buried were men, women, and children. Burials date back to 3000 BC and stones were transported from Wales to mark those graves. 

Healing place

According to archeologists, the Stone Age people saw Stonehenge as a healing place. It is the reason why lots of skeletons that got recovered showed signs of injury or illness. It was also reported that bluestones erected on the side had been chipped to use as protection [talisman] or healing purpose. 

Celestial Observatory

Stonehenge is assumed to be built with the sun in mind. The site faces summer and winter solstices, which are still famous today. One path connects the monument to neighboring River Aven and lines up with the sun during the winter solstice. 


An archaeoacoustic researcher says that Stonehenge’s circular arrangement is created to resemble sound illusion. He says that when two pipers played their instrument the listener would experience a strange effect. 

The sound waves from two pipes would annul each other at certain spots thus creating silence zones. Stonehenge’s stone creates a similar effect. It does not compete with sound waves but blocks them. Prehistoric circles are known traditionally as ‘Piper Stones’. The theory is speculative, but it is confirmed that Stonehenge reveals amazing acoustics. The circle causes the sound to reverberate like concert halls or cathedrals. 

Banded together to create a monument

The site’s construction overlaps with the time when there was great unity among Britain’s Neolithic people. The landscape’s natural flow that connects the summer solstice sunrise, as well as the winter solstice sunset, inspired the ancient community to unite and build a monument. 

Stonehenge is a massive project that needs thousands of labor force to move stones from far away in West Wales and then shape and erect them. A project this huge needs unification to succeed. 

As there is no text available the monument can absorb a lot of meaning like the temple of the sun or moon, ancestral dead city, astronomical calendar, healing place, a symbol of power & status, stone representing gods & goddesses, and even new age paranormal explanations.