Home Travel All You Need To Know Before Paddleboarding

All You Need To Know Before Paddleboarding

by Larry Watson

Stand-up paddleboarding, also known as SUP, is a watersport that has very quickly become one of the most well-celebrated and popular outdoor activities across the globe. It opens up the water to both casual and challenging fun, with paddleboarders able to explore at their own pace. What’s more, SUP is brilliantly accessible, being open to many individuals of varying ages and physical abilities.

For those who haven’t yet found themselves atop a paddleboard, there are a number of communities eager to welcome newcomers, as well as an endless array of amazing locations that can be ideal for beginners to the watersport. Just be sure that you consider the following fundamentals before starting your paddleboarding journey.

Head Out Together

While you may be eager to get started, heading out and onto the water alone, whether a lake, river, or seafront, is not a good idea. It is recommended for newcomers to SUP to find a buddy or group to practice with. This not only helps to build confidence on the water but also ensures that there’s someone else to support you should you need any assistance.

Watch The Horizon

It may seem counterintuitive to look ahead of yourself instead of at your feet and paddle but doing so will help you to find your balance. Those who become overly concerned with their hands and feet are more likely to lose their balance since an individual’s perspective becomes confused with the movement of the water. Instead, by looking at the horizon, a sense of balance will occur naturally.

Wear A Leash

Everyone wears a leash, even the professionals. This simple accessory is an essential part of safety on the water. A leash, whether attached to your ankle or waist, will keep you tethered to your paddleboard, ensuring that in the event of being dismounted, which often happens as a beginner, you will be able to easily reach and remount your board. Additionally, leashes ensure that there is no risk of losing your board to the tide either.

Know Your Waterscape

If you are looking to experience paddleboarding for the first time, choosing your location can make a significant difference to your experience. Those who head to busy bays or bustling seafronts might find themselves overwhelmed by boat traffic or waves. As such, when finding one’s feet on the water, it is recommended that a serene location is chosen, one with calm and quiet waters, such as a lake.

Fall Into The Water

Purposefully falling into the water can be useful. In addition to removing any fear associated with the possibility of falling occurring naturally, there is a correct way to practice falling. Since paddleboards are very tough, individuals who lose their balance should steer themselves to fall into the water instead, as the alternative of hitting the surface of the board can be very painful.

Take Care Of Your Board

Simply using your paddleboard without any accessories will quickly lead to a loss of quality and comfort. As such, individuals should be sure to learn basic maintenance practices and equip themselves with extras that allow them to take care of their boards.